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Homepage / Events / Exhibitions / Evocations. 20 years of CHOREA Theatre

Evocations. 20 years of CHOREA Theatre


Cre­ators: Magda Milewska, Janusz Adam Biedrzycki

Exhibition opening dates:

23.08.2024 / Friday / Time: 6 pm - 11 pm

24.08.2024 / Saturday / Time: 10 am - 10 pm

25.08.2024 / Sunday / Time: 10 am - 9 pm

26-29.08.2024 / Monday - Thursday / Time: 4 pm - 9:30 pm

30.08.2024 / Friday / Time: 3 pm - 10 pm

31.08.2024 / Saturday / Time: 3 pm - 10 pm

01.09. 2024 / Sunday / Time: 12 pm - 9 pm

Place: Rooms B_101, C_101, Art Factory in Lodz, 3 Tymienieckiego Street

Ad­mis­sion: free

Viewers' age: no limitations






We invite you to embark on a journey through two decades of CHOREA Theatre's history. The exhibition is dedicated to performances, theatrical activities, and a wide range of non-theatrical events, both social and educational. Visitors will be able to see both past and present theatre documentation, accompanied by set design elements and installations. During the exhibition, participants will be transported into different worlds where they will be able to mark their presence, or their moment of encounter with CHOREA Theatre. The exhibition will showcase the collective efforts of the "innumerable group of artists" as well as the individual paths of the group's members.





Magda Milewska - an art historian, curator, and exhibition producer. She graduated from the Postgraduate Museum Studies at the University of Warsaw. She has worked at, among others, the Propaganda Gallery in Warsaw, the Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw, the Manhattan Gallery in Łódź and the Museum of Art in Łódź. From 2017 to 2021, she managed the contemporary art gallery Punkt Odbioru Sztuki. Her articles on art have been published in professional magazines, e.g. in the "Orońsko Sculpture Quarterly". She has served as a juror for art competitions and creative scholarships. Since 2023 she has been working at the Hilary Majewski Tenement House in Łódź. 


Ja­nusz Adam Bie­drzyc­ki - actor, dancer, choreographer, theatre in­structor, director. Gra­du­ate of Hu­ma­ni­ties De­part­ment, ma­jor in: Cul­tu­re stu­dies, Folk­lo­re and eth­no­lo­gy, The­atre and Film Stu­dies at Ma­ria Cu­rie Skło­dow­ska Uni­ver­si­ty in Lu­blin. Gra­du­ate of Cul­tu­re Ma­na­ge­ment on Li­te­ra­tu­re The­ory, The­atre and Au­dio­vi­su­al Art In­sti­tu­te of Uni­ver­si­ty of Lodz. "Pe­da­go­gue in The­atre" co­ur­se par­ti­ci­pant or­ga­ni­sed by The­atre In­sti­tu­te in War­saw. Co-fo­un­der and mem­ber of CHOREA Theatre. Mi­ni­stry of Cul­tu­re and Na­tio­nal He­ri­ta­ge scho­lar­ship hol­der in: 2010 and 2014, and City Hall of Lodz scho­lar­ship hol­der in: 2013, 2017 and 2022. Co-cre­ator of a ma­nu­al "Phy­si­cal ac­tor tra­ining - from in­di­vi­du­al to gro­up ac­tions" (2015), cre­ated in col­la­bo­ra­tion with PWS­FTViT and with sup­port of NI­MiT. Sin­ce 2007 an in­struc­tor and edu­ca­tor in Art Fac­to­ry, au­thor of se­ve­ral work­shops and edu­ca­tio­nal pro­jects for chil­dren, youth and adults. The ori­gi­na­tor and pro­du­cer of in­ter­di­sci­pli­na­ry work­shops cyc­le "La­bo­ra­to­ry of Cre­ati­ve Ac­tions" (edi­tions: 2019, 2020, 2021). Fo­un­der and le­ader of CHOREA Theatre Intergenerational Gro­up. From 2022 mem­ber of Polish Actors Association. Curator of discus­sion meetings: "The Ecology of Culture" in 2022 and "The Ecology of Culture II. Edu­ca­tion" in 2023.