
Homepage / Tickets
What's Demeter?

PREMIERE | CHOREA Theatre | Direction: Tomasz Rodowicz, Łukasz Kos, CHOREA Theatre | Poland
* Tickets: 40 PLN (reduced) / 50 PLN (regular)
* Performance in Polish
* After the event we invite the viewers for wine and a discussion with the artists

Dance, Word, Song of Ancient Greece

CHOREA Theatre workshops | Leaders: Dorota Porowska, Elżbieta Rojek, Tomasz Rodowicz | Poland
* Admission: 60 PLN
* Workshops led in Polish


PREMIERE | CHOREA Theatre Intergenerational Group | Direction: Janusz Adam Biedrzycki | Poland
* Prior booking of free tickets is required
* Performance in Polish
* After the event we invite the viewers to a discussion with the artists


Tuleje Band | Music: Gosia Zagajewska, Wojtek Kurek, Ksawery Wójciński | Poland
* Tickets: 20 PLN (reduced) / 30 PLN (regular)

Discussion meeting "Ecologies of the Culture IV. Urban Ecology"

Curator: Janusz Adam Biedrzycki | Leader: Zofia Smolarska | Guests: Magdalena Gałkiewicz, Marcin Gawroński, Kasper Jakubowski, Kinga Zinowiec - Cieplik | Poland
* Prior booking of free tickets is required
* Discussion meeting held in Polish

Premiere of the e-book "Ecologies of the Culture II. Education"

PREMIERE | Curator: Janusz Adam Biedrzycki | Editor: Zofia Smolarska | Texts: Anna Becherka, Paweł Błęcki, Agata Kędzia, Małgorzata Świderek, Stanisław Godlewski | Poland
* Prior booking of free tickets is required
* E-book published in Polish


Social Place of Culture SCENA ROBOCZA | Direction: Alena Hiranok | Belarus, Ukraine, Poland
* Tickets: 30 PLN (reduced) / 40 PLN (regular)
* Performance in Belarusian, Ukrainian and Russian, with simultaneous translation into Polish
* Sensitive elements: performance carried out in complete darkness
* After the event we invite the viewers to a discussion with the artists


Social Place of Culture SCENA ROBOCZA | Direction: Alena Hiranok | Belarus, Ukraine, Poland
* Tickets: 30 PLN (reduced) / 40 PLN (regular)
* Performance in Belarusian, Ukrainian and Russian, with simultaneous translation into Polish
* Sensitive elements: performance carried out in complete darkness
* After the event we invite the viewers to a discussion with the artists

Screenings of CHOREA Theatre performances | archival block

* Prior booking of free tickets is required

Screenings of CHOREA Theatre performances | contemporary block

* Prior booking of free tickets is required

Eden. A scenical fairy tale in several pictures

CHOREA Theatre Intergenerational Group | Direction: Janusz Adam Biedrzycki, Magdalena Paszkiewicz, Wiktor Moraczewski | Poland
* Tickets: 30 PLN (reduced) / 40 PLN (regular)
* Performance in Polish
* Performance will be interpreted into Polish Sign Language (PJM)
* After the event we invite the viewers to a discussion with the artists

I'll eat your jam

CHOREA Theatre Oldest Children's Group | Direction: Janusz Adam Biedrzycki, Anna Maszewska, Joanna Filarska | Poland
* Tickets: 20 PLN (reduced) / 30 PLN (regular) / 30 PLN (family)
* Performance in Polish
* Performance will be interpreted into Polish Sign Language (PJM)
* After the event we invite the viewers to a discussion with the artists

Scenes from the life of stains

CHOREA Theatre Youngest Children's Group | Direction: Wiktor Moraczewski, Joanna Filarska | Poland
* Tickets: 20 PLN (reduced) / 30 PLN (regular) / 30 PLN (family)
* Performance in Polish
* After the event we invite the viewers to a discussion with the artists

Very Sad

Fat and Dumb | Direction: Patrycja Kowańska, Dominika Knapik | Poland
* Tickets: 30 PLN (reduced) / 40 PLN (regular)
* Performance in Polish, with English subtitles
* After the event we invite the viewers to a discussion with the artists

Biłgoraj Triptych

Magda Kuraś Quintet | Music: Magda Kuraś, Maciej Świniarski, Ziemowit Klimek, Jakub Krzanowski | Poland
* Tickets: 20 PLN (reduced) / 30 PLN (regular)

Now you know, how I feel

The Boys Performative Group | Direction: Kamil Błoch | Poland
* Tickets: 30 PLN (reduced) / 40 PLN (regular)
* Performance in Polish
* After the event we invite the viewers to a discussion with the artists

Hic sunt dracones

Divadlo Continuo Theatre | Direction: Pavel Štourač | Czech Republic
* Tickets: 30 PLN (reduced) / 40 PLN (regular)
* After the event we invite the viewers to a discussion with the artists

Animals Machines

CHOREA Theatre Older Children's Group | Direction: Wiktor Moraczewski, Joanna Filarska | Poland
* Tickets: 20 PLN (reduced) / 30 PLN (regular) / 30 PLN (family)
* Performance in Polish
* After the event we invite the viewers to a discussion with the artists

Eine Winterreise / Winter Journey

POLISH PREMIERE | Direction: Łukasz Konieczny, Boris Randzio | Poland / Germany
* Tickets: 30 PLN (reduced) / 40 PLN (regular)
* Performance in Polish and German
* After the event we invite the viewers to a discussion with the artists



Tickets purchase for the events of XIII International Theatre Festival Retroperspektywy 2024: AWAKENINGS, will be open on Monday, July 29, 2024, at 4 pm.


Tic­kets can be pur­cha­sed:

- Via platform or by clic­king BUY TIC­KET but­ton, on­tro­per­spek­ty­ we­bsi­te | on­li­ne pay­ment |

- At Festival Office | cash payment or contactless card payment, via Visa, Ma­ster­card, Ame­ri­can Express, te­le­pho­ne or watch, it is not po­ssi­ble to make a pay­ment by ma­gne­tic stri­pe or chip |



Festival Office


Open from July 29 to Au­gust 22, 2024, be­fo­re the Fe­sti­val

On Mon­days, We­dnes­days and Fri­days, from 4 pm to 9 pm

On Tu­es­days and Thurs­days, from 10 am to 4 pm

Site MuseumABC, Room B_07, Building B, Art Fac­to­ry in Lodz

3 Ty­mie­niec­kie­go Stre­et

90-365 Lodz, Po­land

+48 506 103 207


