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Creators: CHOREA Theatre Intergenerational Group

Direction: Janusz Adam Biedrzycki

Music: Michał Rudkowski

Light: Tomasz Krukowski, Maciej Kobalczyk

Sound: Marcin Dobijański, Karol Skrzypiec

Cast: Natalia Arabska, Barbara Całka-Lisek, Anna Grabowska, Barbara Iżeli, Alicja Kaźmierska, Grażyna Kołtonik, Róża Kubasiewicz, Michalina Leszkiewicz, Aleksandra Pihan, Jola Szadkowska, Aleksandra Ziomek

Premiere: 24.08.2024, International Theatre Festival Retroperspektywy, Art Factory in Lodz


Date: 24.08.2024 / Saturday

Time: 6 pm

Place: Room C_201, Art Factory in Lodz, 3 Tymienieckiego Street

Admission: free / prior booking of free tickets is required

Booking of free tickets: from July 29, 2024 / via kicket.com portal


Duration: 50 minutes (no intermissions)

Viewers' age: 15+

Performance in Polish.

After the event we invite the viewers to a meeting and discussion with the artists

The discussion will be led by Małgorzata Jabłońska

The discussion will be held in Polish







Faster, harder, quicker, bigger.

Faster, harder, quicker, bigger...

Are we alive or asleep?


The contemporary state of humanity in the world is the result of many processes. We are entangled in and dependent on civilisational development. However, is the pace of such functioning right? Is a person still able to stop for a moment and JUST BE? Each of us handles individually this pace of functioning, but we are all subjected to social influences that standardise our existence in society. We adopt patterns of behaviour which are in a way imposed by the society around us.


The social evolution of humanity aims at the survival and improvement of the living conditions of both individuals and groups. Human capital in the form of knowledge and information, increases with each generation. This kind of development is an act that gains speed and mass, but not without consequences. The excess of stimuli and the intensity of life, bring serious consequences, including loss of individuality, commonality, and identity. We live as one organism, we dream a common dream, but sometimes the awakening from this torpor comes too late... You wake up too late...





CHOREA Theatre Intergenerational Group - has been active since 2020 and was created by combining two groups operating at the CHOREA Theatre - the Youth Group and the Senior Group. The Intergenerational Group brings together people from different backgrounds, with diverse experiences, ages and temperaments. Their work is characterised by intergenerational dialogue, multifaceted activities, mutual inspiration, and the breaking of barriers, fears, and stereotypes.

The activities of the Youth Group date back to 2012, when the group was formed following the conclusion of the socio-artistic project "Oratorio Dance Project", which engaged many creative communities from Łódź, young dancers from the Łódź Voivodeship, and people at risk of social exclusion. Its weekly meetings evolved into a regular Youth Group, which has seen changes in its membership over the years. This group also involved individuals with disabilities and those who are blind or visually impaired.

The Youth Group has participated in numerous socio-educational projects: "Art-Impulses / Vidomi" (2014), "Vidomi-Continuations" (2015), "Darkness" (2017), "Like in a beehive!" (2018), "Laboratory of Creative Actions" (2019, 2020, 2021).

The members of the Youth Group have also created several performances: "The Ugly" (2013), "Vidomi" (2014), "Darkness. What is Hidden" (2017), "Hive. The Secret Social Life" (2018), "Right Here. Right Now" (2019), "iGeneration?" (2020), and "We Should Be... An impression on several verbs" (2021).

The Senior Group started their meetings as part of the second edition of the educational project "Laboratory of Creative Actions" (2020).

CHOREA Theatre Intergenerational Group, created as a result of combining two groups, prepared an open-air performance "One second-community" in 2021 and produced its first theatre play "Golden Thread" in 2022. In 2023, the group presented the premiere of their second theatre play "Eden. A scenical fairy tale in several pictures".

In their theatrical activity, the Intergenerational Group draws on themes that directly relate to all its members, focusing on common, collective experiences. At the same time, the collective in charge of the group, Janusz Adam Biedrzycki, Magdalena Paszkiewicz, and Wiktor Moraczewski, takes care of the individual development of each of the group members.



The event takes place in terms of Przestrzenie Sztu­ki - Te­atr program.


Przestrzenie Sztu­ki - Te­atr program is financed by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage, realised by The Zbigniew Raszewski  Theatre Institute.


The program is co-fi­nan­ced from the funds of the City of Łódź.


Organiser: Art Factory in Lodz


Co-organizers: Ministry of Culture and National Heritage, The Zbigniew Raszewski Theatre Institute, City of Lodz


Partner: CHOREA Theatre