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Premiere of the e-book "Ecologies of the Culture II. Education"

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E-book "Ecologies of the Culture II. Education"

Idea and co­or­di­na­tion: Ja­nusz Adam Biedrzycki

Edi­ting: Zofia Smolarska

Texts: Anna Becherka (BECHANN), Janusz Adam Biedrzycki, Paweł Błęcki, Agata Kędzia (Teatr Zagłębia), Małgorzata Świderek (Ośrodek Działań Ekologicznych "Źródła"), Stanisław Godlewski

Gra­phic de­sign: Justyna Kasprzyk

Cooperation, transcription: Karolina Jaroszewska


Date: 25.08.2024 / Sunday

Time: 10 am - 2 pm

Place: Room C_101, Art Factory in Lodz, 3 Tymienieckiego Street

Admission: free / prior booking of free tickets is required

Booking of free tickets: from July 29, 2024 / via kicket.com portal


Duration: 240 minutes (including a coffee break)

Recipents’ age: 12+

E-book published in Polish.






Edu­ca­tion is the key tool to sha­pe the at­ti­tu­de of the so­cie­ty, as well as ra­ising eco­lo­gi­cal awa­re­ness. It is the cul­tu­ral in­sti­tu­tion’s ob­li­ga­tion to con­duct this type of edu­ca­tion, both - of the for­mal and non-for­mal cha­rac­ter. Ma­in­ly, due to even gre­ater de­gra­da­tion of the na­tu­ral envi­ron­ment cau­sed by an­th­ro­po­ge­nic fac­tors. The is­sue of our pla­net and its re­so­ur­ce de­gra­da­tion re­qu­ires a chan­ge of orien­ta­tion, thin­king, it is the new ge­ne­ra­tion that ne­eds to chan­ge the pa­ra­digm, trans­form the men­ta­li­ty and ac­ti­vi­ty. Eco­lo­gi­cal awa­re­ness and edu­ca­tion sho­uld be im­ple­men­ted from the very be­gin­ning of a young per­son's exi­sten­ce. Le­ar­ning can­not be per­ce­ived only as the way to co­nvey in­for­ma­tion but sho­uld be con­nec­ted with sha­ping cer­ta­in at­ti­tu­des and the pro­mo­tion of al­ter­na­ti­ve role mo­dels. 


A group of specialists - creators of the e-book "Ecologies of Culture II. Education" - provide answers to these important questions. We have in­vi­ted these spe­cia­li­sts, prac­ti­tio­ners and the­ore­ti­cians from va­rio­us aca­de­mic and ar­ti­stic di­sci­pli­nes, who col­la­bo­ra­te to make an eco­lo­gi­cal chan­ge.





Ja­nusz Adam Bie­drzyc­ki - actor, dancer, choreographer, theatre instructor, director. Gra­du­ate of Hu­ma­ni­ties De­part­ment, ma­jor in: Cul­tu­re stu­dies, Folk­lo­re and eth­no­lo­gy, The­atre and Film Stu­dies at Ma­ria Cu­rie Skło­dow­ska Uni­ver­si­ty in Lu­blin. Gra­du­ate of Cul­tu­re Ma­na­ge­ment on Li­te­ra­tu­re The­ory, The­atre and Au­dio­vi­su­al Art In­sti­tu­te of Uni­ver­si­ty of Lodz. "Pe­da­go­gue in The­atre" co­ur­se par­ti­ci­pant or­ga­ni­sed by The­atre In­sti­tu­te in War­saw. Co-fo­un­der and mem­ber of CHOREA Theatre. Mi­ni­stry of Cul­tu­re and Na­tio­nal He­ri­ta­ge scho­lar­ship hol­der in: 2010 and 2014, and City Hall of Lodz scho­lar­ship hol­der in: 2013, 2017 and 2022. Co-cre­ator of a ma­nu­al "Phy­si­cal ac­tor tra­ining - from in­di­vi­du­al to gro­up ac­tions" (2015), cre­ated in col­la­bo­ra­tion with PWS­FTViT and with sup­port of NI­MiT. Sin­ce 2007 an in­struc­tor and edu­ca­tor in Art Fac­to­ry, au­thor of se­ve­ral work­shops and edu­ca­tio­nal pro­jects for chil­dren, youth and adults. The ori­gi­na­tor and pro­du­cer of in­ter­di­sci­pli­na­ry work­shops cyc­le "La­bo­ra­to­ry of Cre­ati­ve Ac­tions" (edi­tions: 2019, 2020, 2021). Fo­un­der and le­ader of Se­nior-Youth The­atre Gro­up CHO­REA. From 2022 mem­ber of Polish Actors Association. Curator of discussion me­etings: "The Ecology of Culture" in 2022 and "The Ecology of Culture II. Edu­ca­tion" in 2023.


Zo­fia Smo­lar­ska - the­atro­lo­gist and social researcher. The au­thor of "Rimini Pro­to­koll. Blind Al­leys of Par­ti­ci­pa­to­ry The­atre" (2017). In the years 2017-2021 she was a lecturer at the Aleksander Zelwerowicz Theatre Academy in Warsaw. She is the author of numerous essays, reviews, and scholarly articles printed in, among others, "Teatr", "Nauka", "Polish Theatre Journal", "Theatre Forum" and "Qualitative Sociology". In her do­cto­ral the­sis (2020) di­scus­sed the to­pic of so­cial eco­lo­gy in the­atre, analysing the cre­ati­ve pro­cess from the per­spec­ti­ve of the­atre cra­ft­smen. Together with Dr. Kamila Lewandowska, she has researched the evaluation criteria of Polish theatre criticism and the Polish higher artistic education system. She currently lives in Krakow, Poland, working as editor of the academic journals "Humanities" and "Social Sciences" at the MDPI publishing house.


Sta­ni­sław Go­dlew­ski - do­ctor of hu­ma­ni­ties, works at the Art In­sti­tu­te of the Po­lish Aca­de­my of Scien­ces. Theatre cri­tic, edi­tor of "Pa­mięt­nik Te­atral­ny". He de­als with the history of 20th-century theatre and contempora­ry theatre.


Anna Be­cher­ka (BE­CHANN) - upcyc­ling de­si­gner, cre­ator, owner of the brand, gal­le­ry and BE­CHANN art stu­dio lo­ca­ted in Art_In­ku­ba­tor in Art Fac­to­ry in Lodz, whe­re mo­dern pa­in­tings, lamps, je­wel­le­ry and bags are ma­nu­fac­tu­red from the pas­sion of re­cyc­ling and di­sco­ve­ring new re­so­ur­ces. From the pas­sion of "cre­ating from what al­re­ady exi­sts". Ma­nu­fac­tu­rer of uni­que pro­ducts from old, unwan­ted ob­jects, ma­in­ly use­less ca­bles and wi­res. Ac­ting in har­mo­ny with Zero Wa­ste ru­les. Gra­du­ate of In­te­rior De­sign Post­gra­du­ate Stu­dies at Aca­de­my of Fine Art in Lodz. Her work is upcyc­ling and re­cyc­ling in one. She re­di­sco­vers be­au­ty and new func­tio­na­li­ties of unwan­ted ob­jects. She gi­ves them a se­cond, new life. She jo­ins struc­tu­res into mo­dern sha­pes and forms. By pro­ces­sing what al­re­ady exi­sts, she di­sco­vers an abun­dan­ce of un­de­re­sti­ma­ted re­so­ur­ces. She sha­res all of it con­duc­ting work­shops, cre­ating, pre­sen­ting and sel­ling her works, thus in­tro­du­cing a chan­ge in li­fe­sty­le. She pro­ces­ses hun­dreds of worn-out ca­bles to give them al­te­red form and va­lue. It is an envi­ron­men­tal­ly frien­dly ac­ti­vi­ty, gi­ven the use of com­pu­ter junk that flo­ods us, sho­wing that it is po­ssi­ble to cre­ate je­wel­le­ry, home fur­ni­shings, or eve­ry­day ob­jects, ba­sed on raw ma­te­rials we de­fi­ne as "wa­ste". She wants her work to en­co­ura­ge a shift in the per­cep­tion of wa­ste as a use­less raw ma­te­rial, sho­wing that cre­ation is po­ssi­ble on the ba­sis of exi­sting struc­tu­res, whe­re the li­mit is only the ima­gi­na­tion. 

Her works were re­co­gni­sed in the Eco­Ma­de con­test in 2016 or­ga­ni­sed by the Aca­de­my of Fine Art in Lodz. The se­ries of works "New Con­nec­tions" won first pla­ce and a spe­cial pri­ze from Ca­nal+. The Lau­re­ate of Di­stinc­tion in Mo­do­po­lis con­test for su­sta­ina­ble fa­shion de­si­gners. The win­ner of "De­si­gner of the month" ti­tle gran­ted by "EKO DEKO" - in­no­va­ti­ve upcyc­ling plat­form. Co-fo­un­der of the work­shop spa­ce "DOM Prze-Twór­ców" in Po­le­ski Art Cen­tre in Lodz. De­di­ca­ted ar­tist on this year’s XIV Bien­na­le in Flo­ren­ce. Her works have been di­splay­ed: on the on­li­ne exhi­bi­tion in Ar­te­bi­na­ria gal­le­ry in Fran­ce, on the "Expe­ri­ments" exhi­bi­tion ar­ran­ged by Ar­te­xper­ti­se - Con­tem­po­ra­ry Art Gal­le­ry in Flo­ren­ce, on the con­test exhi­bi­tion "Young for start" du­ring Gdy­nia De­sign Days, on "Re­cyc­led" exhi­bi­tion in Huta Sztu­ki Gal­le­ry du­ring "A Thing for Art - De­sign in Kra­kow" event. The cho­sen works were qu­ali­fied for pu­bli­ca­tion in "Bru­xel­les Art Vue Vo­lu­mes of Dark­ness 2021" book. The fol­lo­wing ma­ga­zi­nes wro­te abo­ut the BE­CHANN brand: "For­bes", "LIFE IN", "Puls Biz­ne­su", "Łódź Kreu­je In­no­wa­cje", "Plast Echo". BE­CHANN pro­ducts ob­ta­ined an Ar­ti­stic Han­di­craft Cer­ti­fi­ca­te in the Po­lish Na­tion­wi­de Gu­ild of Ar­ti­sans and Ar­ti­sts.


Pa­weł Błęc­ki - born in Gdańsk. A pho­to­gra­pher, sculp­tor, the cre­ator of ob­jects and in­stal­la­tions. A Ph.D stu­dent at the Aca­de­my of Fine Arts in Cra­cow (the de­part­ment run by Iwo­na Dem­ko, the as­so­cia­te pro­fes­sor). A gra­du­ate of the In­ter­me­dia De­part­ment at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Arts in Po­znan (uni­ver­si­ty de­gree from Piotr Kur­ka) and the Pho­to­gra­phy De­part­ment Aca­de­my of Fine Arts in Gdansk. He stu­died ar­cha­eolo­gy and cul­tu­ral stu­dies at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Gdansk and pho­to­gra­phy at FAMU In­ter­na­tio­nal film­ma­king scho­ol in Pra­gue. In his works he tac­kles the so­cial, eco­lo­gi­cal and po­li­ti­cal is­su­es of con­su­mer so­cie­ty, cra­ftwork and art the­ra­py. The in­i­tia­tor of work­shop and par­ti­ci­pa­ti­ve ac­ti­vi­ties whe­re you imi­ta­te tra­di­tio­nal cra­ftwork tech­ni­qu­es and pla­ce them in the mo­dern con­text. He used to be a mem­ber of Zbiór Pu­sty (An Emp­ty Set) who­se ac­ti­vi­ties re­vo­lved aro­und the mul­ti­di­rec­tio­nal re­la­tion­ship of a hu­man be­ing with na­tu­re. He is a cre­ati­ve mem­ber of Wspól­no­ta mię­dzy­ga­tun­ko­wa+ (in­ter-gen­re-com­mu­ni­ty+) who­se aim is to care abo­ut hu­mans and non-hu­man cre­atu­res. Along with Pa­me­la Bo­żek he par­ti­ci­pa­tes in the pro­ject of Biu­ro Wspól­nej Ak­tyw­no­ści (The Of­fi­ce for the Jo­int Ac­ti­vi­ty), de­aling with su­sta­ina­bi­li­ty of pro­duc­tion and art ava­ila­bi­li­ty. When pur­su­ing his ca­re­er of an ar­tist and a re­se­ar­cher he par­ti­ci­pa­ted in the men­tor­ship pro­ject of Stu­dio Mi­strzy­ni (Ma­sterc­lass Stu­dio) by Jo­an­na Raj­kow­ska, was an ar­tist-re­si­dent at Cen­trum Rzeź­by Pol­skiej (Po­lish Sculp­tu­re Cen­tre) in Orońsk and was one of the cu­ra­tors of the "Ma­gicz­ne za­aga­żo­wa­nie" exhi­bi­tion ("The ma­gi­cal in­vo­lve­ment") at Ga­le­ria Miej­ska Ar­se­nał (the Ar­se­nal City Gal­le­ry) in Po­znan whe­re the­re has been the art and the ac­ti­vi­ty of se­ve­ral pe­ople de­aling with con­tem­po­ra­ry art pre­sen­ted with the aim to pro­tect the envi­ron­ment. His works have been pre­sen­ted at in­di­vi­du­al exhi­bi­tions in Cen­trum Sztu­ki Współ­cze­snej Łaź­nia (Łaź­nia Cen­tre for Con­tem­po­ra­ry Art) in Gdansk, Pań­stwo­wa Ga­le­ria Sztu­ki (the Na­tio­nal Art Gallery) in So­pot, Ga­le­ria Miej­ska BWA (City Of­fi­ce for Con­tem­po­ra­ry Art) in Byd­goszcz, Ga­le­ria EL (EL Gal­le­ry) in El­bląg and col­lec­ti­ve exhi­bi­tions e.g. in Cen­trum Rzeź­by Pol­skiej (Po­lish Sculp­tu­re Cen­tre) in Oronsk, at the Of­fi­ce for Con­tem­po­ra­ry Art in Zie­lo­na Gora, at the Of­fi­ce for Con­tem­po­ra­ry Art in Tar­now, at the Of­fi­ce for Con­tem­po­ra­ry Art in Wroc­law, in Ga­le­ria La­bi­rynt (the La­by­rinth Gal­le­ry) in Lu­blin.


Aga­ta Kę­dzia (Za­głę­bie The­atre) - the­atre edu­ca­tor, cul­tu­re ac­ti­vi­ty or­ga­ni­ser, per­for­mer. She stu­died cul­tu­ral stu­dies at the Si­le­sian Uni­ver­si­ty in Ka­to­wi­ce and per­for­man­ce at the Ja­giel­lo­nian Uni­ver­si­ty in Kra­kow. As an au­thor of the con­cept, co­or­di­na­tor and a per­son con­duc­ting clas­ses, she con­tri­bu­tes to pro­jects from the field of the­atre pe­da­go­gy in Za­głę­bie The­atre in So­sno­wiec. She wri­tes ar­tic­les, tracks re­la­tion­ships be­twe­en art and edu­ca­tion, con­tri­bu­tes to cre­ati­ve pro­jects ac­ti­va­ting chil­dren, youth and adults. Amateur of theatre caring abo­ut young audiences. For the work "The difficult art of gro­wing up. Per­for­ma­ti­ve events for te­ena­ge au­dien­ces" she won III award in the con­test for the best ma­ster’s the­sis in the field of know­led­ge abo­ut the­atre or­ga­ni­sed by The­atre In­sti­tu­te in War­saw (2021). Co-au­thor of per­for­man­ces: "per­for­man­ce that has ne­ver been made" (pre­mie­re in J. Gro­tow­ski In­sti­tu­te in 2021), "we have to fi­nish now" (pre­mie­re in By­tom 2022).


Za­głę­bie The­atre - is a self-governing artistic institution. Its mis­sion is to care for the cul­tu­ral de­ve­lop­ment of the re­gion’s in­ha­bi­tants thro­ugh the cre­ation and pre­sen­ta­tion of the the­atre per­for­man­ces and re­ali­sa­tion of ac­ti­vi­ties of so­cio-edu­ca­tio­nal cha­rac­ter. Each event is a unique meeting with the specta­tors. It is one of the few the­atres in Po­land, which pays such at­ten­tion to the de­ve­lop­ment of re­flec­tions on the eco­sys­tems in which it func­tions. Thro­ugh eve­ry­day prac­ti­ces in the work­pla­ce, the Za­głę­bie The­atre com­pa­ny wants to mi­ni­mi­se the ne­ga­ti­ve im­pact on the im­me­dia­te envi­ron­ment - na­tu­ral and so­cial.


Mał­go­rza­ta Świ­de­rek (The Cen­tre for Envi­ron­men­tal Ac­ti­vi­ties "Źró­dła") - co-fo­un­der and pre­si­dent of the ma­na­ge­ment of The Cen­tre for Envi­ron­men­tal Ac­ti­vi­ties "Źró­dła" / "So­ur­ces". In "Źró­dła" she al­ways de­als with edu­ca­tion. Cur­ren­tly, she pri­ma­ri­ly an­swers qu­estions from co-wor­kers, tra­ins edu­ca­tors and te­achers, cre­ates di­dac­tic ma­te­rials, in­vents edu­ca­tio­nal pro­jects and pro­gram­mes. Author and co-au­thor of more than 50 publications in the field of ecological and global education. She runs the Ecolo­gical Education and Culture Facility. A graduate in so­cial a­nthropology, she has become engrossed in global edu­cation. In her spa­re time, she sews felt brooches, cuts stamps from erasers, and inscriptions from newspapers, walks in the wo­ods, re­ads.


The Cen­tre for Envi­ron­men­tal Ac­ti­vi­ties "Źró­dła" - for 25 years it has been en­ga­ged in bro­adly un­der­sto­od eco­lo­gi­cal, na­tu­ral and ci­vic edu­ca­tion. The mis­sion of "Źró­dła" / "So­ur­ces" is in­cre­asing the le­vel of eco­lo­gi­cal con­scio­usness of the so­cie­ty thro­ugh ac­ti­ve le­ar­ning car­ried out ma­in­ly thro­ugh the work­shops for chil­dren and youth, te­acher and edu­ca­tor tra­inings, field edu­ca­tion and na­tion­wi­de Po­lish in­for­ma­ti­ve pro­jects. We sha­re our expe­rien­ce con­duc­ting work­shops for te­achers and edu­ca­tors and tra­iner scho­ols by cre­ating and pu­bli­shing edu­ca­tio­nal ma­te­rials, sup­por­ting other or­ga­ni­sa­tions and in­sti­tu­tions in cre­ating and im­ple­men­ting edu­ca­tio­nal pro­gram­mes, lob­by­ing for bet­ter edu­ca­tion, in­i­tia­ting pro­jects and ac­ti­vi­ties such as Po­lish Na­tion­wi­de Day of Emp­ty Clas­sro­om. We stu­dy and ana­ly­se ava­ila­bi­li­ty and qu­ali­ty of eco­lo­gi­cal and glo­bal edu­ca­tion and we wri­te re­com­men­da­tions. We con­nect educators and sha­re knowledge. We in­vi­te eve­ry­one to act together.




The event takes place in terms of Przestrzenie Sztu­ki - Te­atr program.


Przestrzenie Sztu­ki - Te­atr program is financed by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage, realised by The Zbigniew Raszewski  Theatre Institute.


The program is co-fi­nan­ced from the funds of the City of Łódź.


Organiser: Art Factory in Lodz


Co-organizers: Ministry of Culture and National Heritage, The Zbigniew Raszewski Theatre Institute, City of Lodz


Partner: CHOREA Theatre