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Homepage / Events / Performances / Scenes from the life of stains

Scenes from the life of stains

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Creators: CHOREA Theatre Youngest Children's Group

Direction and group leaders: Wiktor Moraczewski, Joanna Filarska

Scenario: Wiesław Caban, Zosia Caban, Julia Chańko, Hania Dałek, Stanisław Ginalski, Misza Goncharov, Marta Kuba, Oliwia Kuba, Martyna Marasek, Ignacy Milewski, Lea Mrozicka, Emilia Osicińska, Sonja Shaya, Klaudia Wolna

Scenography: Jola Królicka

Light: Janusz Adam Biedrzycki

Sound: Marcin Dobijański

Cast: Wiesław Caban, Zosia Caban, Julia Chańko, Hania Dałek, Stanisław Ginalski, Misza Goncharov, Marta Kuba, Oliwia Kuba, Martyna Marasek, Ignacy Milewski, Lea Mrozicka, Emilia Osicińska, Sonja Shaya, Klaudia Wolna

Premiere: 1.12.2023, Przestrzenie Sztuki Łódź- Teatr 2023, Art Factory in Lodz


Date: 30.08.2024 / Friday

Time: 5 pm

Place: Room A_22, Art Factory in Lodz, 3 Tymienieckiego Street

Tickets: 20 PLN (reduced) / 30 PLN (regular) / 30 PLN (family: 1 adult + 1 child)

Tickets purchase: from July 29, 2024 / via kicket.com portal (online payment) / at the festival office (payment in cash or contactless card payment)


Duration: 45 minutes (no intermissions)

Viewers' age: 5+

Performance in Polish

After the event we invite the viewers to a meeting and discussion with the artists

The discussion will be led by Małgorzata Jabłońska

The discussion will be held in Polish






What does a stain do for a living, what adventures does it have and, above all, what does it look like? You will be able to learn all this by watching the performance of the CHOREA Theatre Youngest Children's Group.


The stories from the lives of stains are like the stains themselves - arbitrary, unexpected, spontaneous, surprising, unpredictable and oddly shaped. The authors of the stories are children from CHOREA Theatre Youngest Children's Group. During this theatrical event you will be able to get to know both the original comic stories describing the crazy adventures in the life of stains, and their wild stage adaptation. Join us on a journey to the land of children's values and imagination! 





CHOREA Theatre Children's Groups - have been creating spontaneous and highly improvised theatre plays based on their own ideas for several years. Their theatre workshops take place regularly, under the guidance of Joanna Filarska and invited guests. We introduce a lot of shared fun and a bit of stage discipline, as well as work on group integration and team energy. The main idea is to give children the opportunity for creative expression, with as little adult interference as possible.

The aim of the CHOREA Children's Theatre Groups is to unleash the creative potential that lies dormant in every young person, to introduce creative group work and some aspects of CHOREA Theatre training, to integrate, to develop a sense of familiarity with one's own body, and to promote work as a partner and a team. The work is based primarily on the children's creativity, which is the starting point for creating a theatre. An important aspect is the development of cooperation skills and building mutual respect.

Theatre activities for children include body work, music workshops, set design and art workshops, but above all, work with children's imagination. The prerequisite for participating in the groups is a commitment to attend regularly and a joyful willingness to join in.


CHOREA Theatre Youngest Children's Group - has been active since 2019. The group has collaborated with artists: Ola Shaya, Jola Królicka, and Michał Surosz. The group has produced theatre performances: "Good Morning Pinky Mouse!" (2021), "About a Girl Who Liked to Dance in the Rain and Met a Little Dog" (2022).